Tuesday, September 23, 2014

123 Days, Day 23 - What Do You Tell Yourself?

Last night I closed my Blog by saying "Never Give Up!" And, then I began to work on the paintings that I was going to enter into the State Fair. Yes, I know it was a little late because they were due today at 6 PM, and I also needed to mat and frame them after teaching my Calligraphy Class today. And, ordinarily I could have knocked them out because I have pretty good control of my transparent watercolor paintings. But, I thought I'd try using Golden Fluid Acrylics because the colors seem more vibrant. I did not take into account that Acrylics dry permanently and they can not be "lifted", a technique that I rely on constantly with watercolors to go back and soften edges and bring back the fluffy whites in clouds, etc...So, by 10:30 PM last night I was teary-eyed and texting my friend saying that "Life is Difficult", I should have worked more, wah, wah, wah, etc...I was ready to "Give Up".

But, Words are Powerful. I took a break, and an old friend from high school who has been through a heck of a lot in the past couple of years had commented under another blog post of mine on facebook. She said that I "inspired" her to keep on trying. I'm at that point thinking, "Me?". Girl, if you only knew...But, I couldn't quit, because I heard that word "Inspire". That is a Powerful word. It has several meanings - to stimulate to action or to breathe life into, or as Wayne Dyer has said "in-spirit".
To "inspire" is the Divine working in and through you. So, Debbie in turn "inspired" me. I wanted to keep going because maybe it matters.

I did go on to bed thinking I'd figure something out in the morning about the paintings. And, then morning came, and Paula Dean was on the Today Show talking about her "Come Back" and buying her old shows and starting a new network. Matt Lauer asked her what she had learned from the mistake she had made last year after making some insensitive racial remarks that caused her to be kicked off the Food Channel. Paula said "I've learned that Words are very Powerful", and then said something which a can't quote word for word, but it meant words can bring happiness, or they can bring people down. And, she had to sit on the sofa and "Be Still", and think about these things.

One of my favorite things to do is "Being Still". So, while doing so before class, I was reading, and meditating. Martha Beck's Quote from "Easy Does It" which said "We are a species that works to make things easier. We’re getting really good at it. But, unless we drop the idea “life is hard,” we can’t take advantage of the astonishing ease we have created."
It  really had nothing to do with my dilemma other than those Powerful words "drop the idea life is hard". 

Mary Morrissey, Dreambuilder Coach, is always saying that if something isn't working, ask another question. So, I began asking myself questions...Do I really want to put a piece in the Fair? What if I get the matting ready and come home and paint more after class? Is it possible to finish at least one painting? And, the answer was Yes, this is Possible. So, I was able to get mats cut and bring home my framing supplies. Then I started painting on the sunrises that I'd started, telling myself that I can fix the problems, etc...And, then I looked over at my light table and on it was sitting an experimental piece that I wasn't sure that I liked. I put one of the mats on it and what a difference! With the mat I could see that it only needs a couple of color adjustments, and it just might work. By then it was 4 PM, and I became so delighted with that one piece that I was content to put aside the sunrises for now so that I could honor them with more time later. After all, my old friend, Bill Cochran, has been so generous to allow me to use his photos for references for my series that I don't want to rush these beautiful subjects and completely mess them up. So, I finished "Opening I", framed it, and delivered it by 5:30 PM. 

I'm so grateful that I'm beginning to recognize toxic, dead-end thinking, and then Tell Myself what is Possible and find Solutions. This is a real stretch for me, but I am learning from all of YOU out there! Thank YOU! Tell yourself "I LOVE YOU!"

                                          Paintings that haven't gotten done:
                                         The Painting that made it to the Fair:
                                          "Opening I"
                                          Fluid Acrylic on Archival Paper by Barbie Mathis

Tell yourself "I LOVE YOU!"

Being Prolific,




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