Tuesday, September 30, 2014

123 Days, Day 30 - Calligraphy Classes

Tuesdays are Calligraphy days for me with a class in the morning and a class at night. One Class was working on how to do layouts for quotes, verses, decorative letters while the other class was working on how to to address envelopes. It was a fun day. Here are some of the samples that we worked on.

I start by telling the class that it is acceptable to go to your computer to aid in doing layouts. The computer is a nice fast way to decide if you want to center the words, enlarge letters, etc... Another quick way to do a layout is by doing thumbnail sketches. We always want to practice writing the longest lines so that we are sure how much space each line will take.  

                    "By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. 
                 The Non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."  ~Nikos Kazantzakis 

In class, we explore various kinds of pens, ink, paint pens and more. Next week we will be using watercolors and gold leaf to make greeting cards, and more calligraphy quotes or verses.

If anyone is interested in learning more about Calligraphy, I will be teaching a class coming up at Midlands Tech. Sign up online at the link:
Beltline Campus10/21/2014-11/25/2014 (EVENING) Tuesday 06:30PM - 08:30PM, Library Building, Room 106 

Here's to beautiful writing! 

Being Prolific,


Monday, September 29, 2014

123 Days, Day 29 - Watercolor Class

I've had a very busy day, so this will be short and sweet. I love my Monday morning Watercolor Students, Wendel and Corinne. They are doing very well! They've both progressed so much in the past 2 weeks. 1 week left to go in our 5 week class.

Until tomorrow....

Being Prolific,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

123 Days, Day 28 - US Premier of "In Dulcet Tones"

Today was a lovely day, going to the University of South Carolina's School of Music, and hearing "In Dulcet Tones" by Dr. Jesse Jones performed live by the very talented duo, Rebecca Hunter, violin, and Lynn Kompass, piano. While they were on stage, 9 Paintings were displayed, one of them being my painting, "Flowers In Dulcet Tones". It was an honor to be a part of this event. "In Dulcet Tones" Premiered first in Thailand earlier this year.

"Flowers In Dulcet Tones" by Barbie Mathis
Fluid Acrylics on Archival Paper and Framed in a Natural Studio Frame, $450

 My memorabilia... 

Paintings are for sale...

The Poster...

Today's Program...

So Grateful for this Opportunity!

Being Prolific,


Saturday, September 27, 2014

123 Days, Day 27 - Hilarie Lambert Workshop, 2nd Day

I think that I can speak for almost everyone that has been in the Hilarie Lambert Oil Painting Workshop when I say it was Fantastic! Here are some photos from todays demo, and my painting.
Today was painting Color Temperature. Hilarie talked about Warm and Cool Colors and how to apply them. This one didn't have a value study underpainting. The values were built with color.

 Hilarie used 3 warm and 3 cool colors, and then had white on each side of the palette.

                                          This is the display that I worked from...

 These are paintings that everyone did. Lookin' good, right?  Mine is on the table to left.
 Here is my painting up close. It still needs the final touches. The days weren't long enough. Could have studied with Hilarie for 2 weeks instead of 2 days!

Feeling Blessed to have been able to learn a little more, and hope to apply it soon. I enjoyed being with everyone in the Workshop. Such Talented Artists in the Columbia, SC Area!

Tomorrow is the concert at USC premiering, "In Dulcet Tones", My work will be shown on the big screen with a few others while it premiers. More About that Sunday night.

Being Prolific,


Friday, September 26, 2014

123 Days, Day 26 - Hilarie Lambert Workshop

Every year, Trenholm Artists Guild hosts a workshop or two in the Columbia, SC Metro Area.This was the first day of a 2-day Workshop held in Ron Weather's most wonderful, bright, spacious Studio in West Columbia. Hilarie Lambert, a very accomplished Oil Painter who lives in the Charleston area, is doing a fantastic job as our leader. Today, she taught us the importance of using a range of values in a painting from darkest darks to lightest lights.
Hilarie begins by toning her painting. Then she uses a brush and paint to sketch the painting using basic shapes. In this painting she used Winsor Newton Blue Black. (My new favorite color for underpainting) You can see in the above photo the still-life that she has sketched.

 Here is a close-up of how she found the lightest light and the darkest dark.

Hilarie's Palette was Blue Black, Lemon Yellow, Permanent Rose and White.
Just look at all of the color combinations she gets from a 4-color limited palette!

Hilarie is painting the lights with yellow and pinks 

This the Still-life that I painted from.

 Here is my Value Sketch.

 Here is my Value Sketch Perfected.

This is my Painting. Remember we had no real Blue - Only Blue Black

These are the terrific paintings that everyone did in the Workshop
with the exception of Ron Weather's 2 Larger Paintings above.
Hilarie reminded us that these aren't intended to be finished paintings-only Value Studies.

What can I say but that I am having a terrific, seriously life-changing painting experience. I am understanding Oil Painting in a way I never knew was possible, and I can't wait until tomorrow! 

With Love and Gratitude for All I'm learning, for the One Teaching, and All of the Helpers making this workshop possible, and...

Being Prolific,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

123 Days, Day 25 - Something Different, Oil Painting Workshop

Hello Friends! This isn't going to be much of a blog night for me because I am going to be taking a Hilarie Lambert Workshop for the next couple of days. Hilarie is a Fabulous Oil Painter who lives in the Charleston Area. I wrote a blog about her a couple of weeks ago after she had done the program for the Trenholm Artists Guild in Columbia, SC.

 I love workshops because it gives me time to be the student instead of the teacher. But, sometimes I'm still hesitant to learn new things. Hilarie had said that people in her workshops could use Acrylics. I wavered up until last night about whether or not to take oils or acrylics because after all, I'm a Watermedia Artist. So, I made the decision last night and packed up the Acrylics to take to the Beginning Reception tonight. And, then Hilarie said she was giving all of us the oils we will need for tomorrow. So, I'm wondering if there is some divine providence working here that is pulling me into working more with oils. I'm really excited about it now--doing Something Different, being with other artist friends, and getting to be a student. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

       Hilarie Lambert

Being Prolific and Being a Student,


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

123 Days, Day 24 - Watermedia Option 1 - Aquabord

    (click in photo to see closer detail on products and bords)

Some of you out there that have been students of mine know that I get bored with doing one thing too long. So, I have developed a class and workshop called Watermedia Options that some have already taken and loved because they have found their particular niche. In the classes we explore all kinds of options from various painting supports, to backgrounds, to gold-leafing, to collage, to watercolor pencils, etc...One option that many watercolorists don't know about is that You don't have to paint on paper.  There are many options for supports--Watercolor Board, Illustration Board, and one I've recently learned about --AQUABORD by Ampersand. (New name, always Claybord Textured).

AQUABORD has been a challenge for me to learn to paint on, but it has many advantages. One is that you can Frame it without Glass. You just spray it with the Spray I have shown in the photo, and then coat it with a Golden UV Varnish, also shown above. You can also put many layers of glazes, and then lift back to white again. For lots of good reference photos and tips on painting, Karen Vernon has some stunning watercolors on her website, and all she uses is this AQUABORD. On her website she has an Ampersand list that tells everything about how to treat and care for this "bord". http://www.karenvernon.com/Aquabord.html   

By the way, notice that I have started a couple of little Square paintings for my new website to be...

Always Remember - There Are Options! If one thing doesn't work or starts to get boring,
Try something new!  

Being Prolific,


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

123 Days, Day 23 - What Do You Tell Yourself?

Last night I closed my Blog by saying "Never Give Up!" And, then I began to work on the paintings that I was going to enter into the State Fair. Yes, I know it was a little late because they were due today at 6 PM, and I also needed to mat and frame them after teaching my Calligraphy Class today. And, ordinarily I could have knocked them out because I have pretty good control of my transparent watercolor paintings. But, I thought I'd try using Golden Fluid Acrylics because the colors seem more vibrant. I did not take into account that Acrylics dry permanently and they can not be "lifted", a technique that I rely on constantly with watercolors to go back and soften edges and bring back the fluffy whites in clouds, etc...So, by 10:30 PM last night I was teary-eyed and texting my friend saying that "Life is Difficult", I should have worked more, wah, wah, wah, etc...I was ready to "Give Up".

But, Words are Powerful. I took a break, and an old friend from high school who has been through a heck of a lot in the past couple of years had commented under another blog post of mine on facebook. She said that I "inspired" her to keep on trying. I'm at that point thinking, "Me?". Girl, if you only knew...But, I couldn't quit, because I heard that word "Inspire". That is a Powerful word. It has several meanings - to stimulate to action or to breathe life into, or as Wayne Dyer has said "in-spirit".
To "inspire" is the Divine working in and through you. So, Debbie in turn "inspired" me. I wanted to keep going because maybe it matters.

I did go on to bed thinking I'd figure something out in the morning about the paintings. And, then morning came, and Paula Dean was on the Today Show talking about her "Come Back" and buying her old shows and starting a new network. Matt Lauer asked her what she had learned from the mistake she had made last year after making some insensitive racial remarks that caused her to be kicked off the Food Channel. Paula said "I've learned that Words are very Powerful", and then said something which a can't quote word for word, but it meant words can bring happiness, or they can bring people down. And, she had to sit on the sofa and "Be Still", and think about these things.

One of my favorite things to do is "Being Still". So, while doing so before class, I was reading, and meditating. Martha Beck's Quote from "Easy Does It" which said "We are a species that works to make things easier. We’re getting really good at it. But, unless we drop the idea “life is hard,” we can’t take advantage of the astonishing ease we have created."
It  really had nothing to do with my dilemma other than those Powerful words "drop the idea life is hard". 

Mary Morrissey, Dreambuilder Coach, is always saying that if something isn't working, ask another question. So, I began asking myself questions...Do I really want to put a piece in the Fair? What if I get the matting ready and come home and paint more after class? Is it possible to finish at least one painting? And, the answer was Yes, this is Possible. So, I was able to get mats cut and bring home my framing supplies. Then I started painting on the sunrises that I'd started, telling myself that I can fix the problems, etc...And, then I looked over at my light table and on it was sitting an experimental piece that I wasn't sure that I liked. I put one of the mats on it and what a difference! With the mat I could see that it only needs a couple of color adjustments, and it just might work. By then it was 4 PM, and I became so delighted with that one piece that I was content to put aside the sunrises for now so that I could honor them with more time later. After all, my old friend, Bill Cochran, has been so generous to allow me to use his photos for references for my series that I don't want to rush these beautiful subjects and completely mess them up. So, I finished "Opening I", framed it, and delivered it by 5:30 PM. 

I'm so grateful that I'm beginning to recognize toxic, dead-end thinking, and then Tell Myself what is Possible and find Solutions. This is a real stretch for me, but I am learning from all of YOU out there! Thank YOU! Tell yourself "I LOVE YOU!"

                                          Paintings that haven't gotten done:
                                         The Painting that made it to the Fair:
                                          "Opening I"
                                          Fluid Acrylic on Archival Paper by Barbie Mathis

Tell yourself "I LOVE YOU!"

Being Prolific,




Monday, September 22, 2014

123 Days, Day 22 - Class and Painting Day

Today started off great with wonderful watercolor students, Corinne and Wendel, at my house. We simplified the steps of how to paint a landscape that has a lot of foliage. These paintings aren't complete, but these are sample demos with my photo references ~

The rest of the day I've spent time painting on these paintings that aren't complete, but need to be finished this week.

I did break for a walk tonight, and saw this walking down my driveway ~ (prettier than a painting!)

More Painting to be done now.

Never Give Up!

Being Prolific,


Sunday, September 21, 2014

123 Days, Day 21 - Thoughts

I was just sitting here eating Great Value Frozen Mango Chunks and thinking about how the texture and color of the the chunks reminds me of circus peanuts that I used to have as a child. But, this cool tasty fruit is so much better--almost better than gelato or sorbet, but not quite...And, also thinking about some things I've learned today.

I've been unusually blessed with Divine Guidance lately. It seems I've heard a story or even just a sentence from someone everyday for the past couple of weeks that has penetrated my mind and made me go, "Hmmm..." Like today for instance, I was watching a sermon online by James King at Unity of  Greenville. He said, "When you get an idea from the Divine Mind, you are Renewed in Spirit. It just Flows." I had just written to my friend, Brian, the night before excitedly telling him that I just had an idea that came straight from the Divine Mind (about the idea I had about doing Little Square Paintings and buying the domain). It was like a mini confirmation that I am on the right track.        

I was also watching "My Morning Mentor" today with Mary Morrissey. She's been talking the past couple of days about the Power of Intention, and the Power that our Thoughts have to change our lives. She mentioned a man named Dr. William Tiller from Stanford University who did an experiment for a couple of years. He took 4 experienced meditators and next to them was an electrical device sitting next to a container or water. He told the meditators to focus on the water for three minutes believing that the electrical device next to it had the power to change the Ph of the water. This had never been done. The ph not only changed a little, it changed a whole unit up or down depending on what the meditators were told to think about. By the way, Dr. Tiller was also in that movie, What The Bleep Do We Know.  Some of the concepts in that movie were fascinating. Not a great movie, but interesting in parts. The part I liked in it was again, an experiment with water taping words to bottles and then looking at the water under a microscope. When the bottles had words such as Love and Gratitude taped to them, the molecules looked like beautiful snowflake-like crystals. When Hate was taped to the bottle, the molecules were broken and fragmented. It's really amazing how everything responds to our INTENTION, ATTENTION and THOUGHT.

Today, I also thought more about My Little Square Paintings. I'm sure as I keep placing attention and love on that idea, it will come into fruition with action. Can't wait to do Little Square Business Cards!
So much to THINK ABOUT!  More tomorrow after teaching my Watercolor Class.

And, a Quote for me from my friend, Brian~
     "A Blog and a Square a Day will Keep the Blues Away." :)  Something I will live by!

Being Prolific,


Saturday, September 20, 2014

123 Days, Day 20 - An Epiphany - Miniatures!!!

I guess that some of you may have figured out that I was feeling more than a little gloomy yesterday about a lot of things. But, today I took a break and went with a friend to the Greek Festival here in Soda City, SC, and then on to the Rosewood Arts Festival. While in the car on the way to the first festival this morning, my friend told me about one of his best friends who had purchased a Charles Fraser Original, and then had spilled something on it, and was having to have it restored. In the process, I found out that Charles Fraser was a guy who was known for doing miniature portraits back in the early 1800's, particularly in the Charleston area. It got me to thinking about how I really like to do small paintings...

When I lived in Sarasota, FL, I used to drive to Clearwater to take Miniature Painting Lessons from a well-known painter, Joan Cornish Willies, who was a member of many distinguished painting societies including the Royal Society of Miniature Painters (England), the Hilliard Society, and the M.A. of America. There were very definite guidelines to painting "true" miniatures. They weren't just small paintings. They were masterpieces! I wish at that time I would have understood what an honor it was to have studied under Joan Willies. I don't know if she's still alive, but she still has a website:

Tonight, after seeing some art today, I was meditating about how to use my talent, and BAM! Little square paintings came to mind. So, I bought the domain...MyGreatLittleSquarePaintings.com. (not live yet). In the next few weeks, I will be working out some designs for square paintings. The potential for this is UNLIMITED! Commissions, Collectibles, All Subject matter, All Mediums, Etc... I am very EXCITED!

I wish I could share some great photos with you about today's events, but I forgot my phone. But, the most beautiful picture that I have in my head was when I visited my dear friend, Joel, who is absolutely gifted when it comes to Garden Restoration. (http://www.gardeningandsuch.com) He was working at a home in Shandon today with an Outstanding Backyard and Pool Area. With Joel's manicuring touches, it looked exquisite, and has inspired me the rest of the day. I am so blessed to be able to see such beauty!

Be Inspired!  You never know when an IDEA is going to hit you.

Being Prolific,



Friday, September 19, 2014

123 Days, Day 19 - Darkness into Light

Sometimes in the morning hours there is darkness inside and out, and everything feels uncertain. As it poured down rain outside, I was raining within wondering, what should I do now? I feel all alone, I keep working and working and I don't know what to do next. And, I don't know where the money is coming from...so I cry I out to God for help. And, then I start to think of Faith being "the assurance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen". A glimmer of light starts to shine through my consciousness.

All of the self help books say to "Live in the Moment", and Don't Worry About Tomorrow, and Just Do the Next Best Thing. So, what do you do when you feel such uncertainty? Ask. Ask for Clarity, Ask: What is the best way I can__________? And, then make yourself available expecting to get the help you need. Julia Cameron in the Artist Way talked about "Showing up at the Page". Just start writing, or just look for that photo to paint, and throw some paint on paper. The next step will come to you, but you have to begin. I once heard an interview with Country Music Star, Travis Tritt. And, the person was asking him how he came up with his songs because at that time he had some big hits. Travis said he just got up everyday and sat down at the piano. He never knew what was going to happen, but if he didn't show up at the piano, his songs would never have been written. So, it seems to me that a Big Part of stepping from Darkness into Light is just showing up.

Lately, I've been seeking a different kind of Light--the kind of creative exhilaration that makes you go, "YES", that's it! I feel excited and alive while I'm painting, and this feels GREAT! So, as in many creative endeavors, I have to try something new, and it's a risk that people aren't going to get it. People may say, "But, that doesn't look like your style. Your realistic style is so much better."
However, I'm taking risks now, because I "have" to. So, at the risk of totally bombing (in the old sense of the word), here's what I've been doing...and, they're not done yet.
                 Remember how I poured paint on "Procrastination Day"?
                                   This is what parts of these are turning into: (not done yet)
                  These are inspirational photos: I obviously strayed from my original ideas...

Time to post this blog...but, remember to be encouraged...
    When down, Play! Light will come!

Being Prolific,



Thursday, September 18, 2014

123 Days, Day 18 - Listing Work

Original Waterfall Watercolor Painting Looking Glass Falls 

by Barbie Mathis

This Ebay listing will go live for auction Friday night, 

9/18 at 7 PM

Not long ago, a good friend of mine, Rachel Parker, a successful artist and art accountability partner, looked around my studio and told me I had a lot of money sitting around. She strongly encouraged me to start listing my work on Etsy and Ebay. She does this and not only has good sales, but she also picks up commissions.

So today, I got back on Etsy, an online site to display art. And, I updated my profile information and listed one thing to get me started. I also listed 2 things on Ebay. I did some research on what others are doing, too, in order to word my listings right. It took my awhile, but now that I've begun, the momentum will keep growing. And, I have good reason--to help support myself and my daughter who is in Seoul as an exchange student.

To visit My Etsy (which only has the 1 listing as of today, but more as the month goes on...):

If you're interested in seeing really good Etsy stores:
Check out Rachel Parker~

Check out Lauren Maurer~

Here's to taking baby steps to grow! 

Being Prolific,



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

123 Days, Day 17 - Pet Portrait cont. and Yardwork/Family Day,

Well, today was one of those days that I fully intended to get up and paint all day, but it didn't happen. My sister stopped by for a visit for a couple hours which was wonderful because I don't get to see her that often. And, I also had to do yardwork while I was in the mood because it is so rare that I am in the mood. The lawn was raked, mowed, and flowerbeds (with no flowers) were weeded to prepare for the time when I will to some planting.

I did put 2 more coats of paint on the
Pet Portrait. As I've said in previous blogs, I like to work in layers of colors called glazes because you can actually see little specks and sparkles of other colors coming through. "Underneath" colors are important. And, it adds to the character of the painting that you couldn't get with just one layer of watercolor paint.    

Here are more layers: This (right) became...

This...(below)The back wall had two more layers of French Ultramarine Blue. It will probably stay this color because the person who commissioned this wants deep rich colors (navy and maroon).

     The French Ultramarine Blue over Red, and showing my color charts and reference photo...

The chair got a coat of Winsor Red, but it will eventually end up a maroon-tone leather.If it doesn't, I will take a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and wipe it down and start over. Really. If you're a beginner, the Magic Eraser like you use on walls and dirt spots is your friend as a watercolor artist.
I still have more layers to do, and to finish Lace's fur and soften edges, etc...

More tomorrow. Hopefully I will do more on the pictures for the State Fair that are due for Take-in by Tuesday,

I just want to encourage people that are afraid of watercolor painting. It CAN be fixed. So no worries. I will teach you as I go along. I've made enough mistakes for us all, so we're good now. I can FIX it!

Being Prolific,
